Thunder on a Hill – HOG Rally
A large number of Australian Harley Fanatics rode from all corners of Australia to celebrate the 22nd Australian National HOG Rally in Canberra late last year. Nearly 1,500 members of the Harley Owners Group (HOG) joined in on the festivities over the three day meet and celebration held in the ACT. The production for the big weekend party ‘Thunder on the Hill’ was organised and delivered by Elite Sound and Lighting, who supplied all the lighting, visual and audio technology.

The centrepiece of the concert stage which was designed for the legendarily Richard Clapton’s performance, was a VuePix L series screen.The 10mm pixel pitch modular screen was utilised for some great visual background effects. All of the displayed content was streamed from an ArKaos A30 Media server through a Vision Pro HD processor and DMX controlled via ChamSys Maxi Wing and Tablet PC.
Richard Clapton didn’t disappoint, singing his iconic hits and adding some new ones to the playlist as well. With Australian music history making act Axiom, Bailey Judd, Rock Monsters and Masterpiece and the Margaritas rocking the stage the other nights, the large crowd of Harley Fans were dancing and celebrating to the beat of classic rock songs throughout the whole long weekend.
The HOG Rally was finished in traditional style with a Thunder Run on Sunday, with all the club members riding in procession on their Harleys through the streets of Canberra, ending at Gold Creek Village with an outstanding Show and Shine bike show.